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Dec 31 • 2 mins

Happy New Year!

With the year coming to an end, you can already celebrate the upcoming 2023 and share presents with your nearest and dearest. And we would like to take a look back to see what we have achieved during 2022. We did our best to let our clients stay ahead of the curve by improving our products and services.Let’s review our milestones of the passing year:

  • We rolled out a new website that is easy to navigate and  describes our services and products in detail so that you can find the necessary information without putting any efforts;
  • Over the past year we entered the world of Web 3.0 and entered the world of  blockchain technology. We are happy to meet a team of 10 experts who joined our company. The most prominent projects are NFT marketplace and the innovative crypto wallet;
  • We’ve been working under the gamify project with the client from United States;
  • We visited a great many of conferences devoted to blockchain in Dubai that offered to us good networking opportunities;
  • We created cool Marketing and Sales teams that help ND Labs successfully introduce a wide variety of services we are competent at;

What is next? 2023 is going to be more exciting and we’ll leave no stone unturned to make your vision a reality and business a success!

Happy New Year! 2023 is the beginning of a new chapter. This is your year. Make it happen.

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    About the author

    Dmitry K.

    CEO and Co-founder of ND Labs
    I’m a top professional with many-year experience in software development and IT. Founder and CEO of ND Labs specializing in FinTech industry, blockchain and smart contracts development for Defi and NFT.

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